Browse Items (30 total) Tags: burned dormitory Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 2 pages A letter from Miss Berry to Mr. Howells Miss Martha Berry 1927-3-17 A Sympathy Letter 1927-5-13 Donation Receipt Mrs. Elliot Hersey Goodwin 1926-9-6 Donation Receipt H. J. Kaltenthaler 1926-6-25 Donation to the Berry Schools from F.A. Sherwood F. A. Sherwood 1926-5-6 Letter from Ellen D. Dodd to Martha Berry Ellen D. Dodd 1926-5-7 Letter from Martha Berry to Adolph Ochs Martha Berry 1926-4-23 Letter from Martha Berry to Earle Gadbey, Greensboro Daily News Martha Berry 1926-4-28 Letter from Martha Berry to Emily Vanderbilt Hammond Martha Berry 1926-5-8 Letter from Martha Berry to W. P. Hamilton Martha Berry 1926-4-30 Letter from Miss Georgia M. Simon to Martha Berry Miss Georgia M. Simon 1926-10-30 Letter to A. B. Dick from Martha Berry Martha Berry 1926-7-31 Letter to Adolph Ochs from Martha Berry Martha Berry 1926-4-28 Letter to Adolph Ochs Jr. from Martha Berry Miss Martha Berry 1926-4-24 Letter to Catherine B. Pendleton from Martha Berry Martha Berry 1926-5-11 Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 2 pages Output Formats atom, csv, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2